I really couldn’t have asked for a better trip. We ended our trip in Paris and attended the World Festival of the Circus of Tomorrow (FESTIVAL MONDIAL DU CIRQUE DE DEMAIN). Quite a different festival than Monte Carlo – the Sundance of the circus world – a younger crowd and less traditional. Great to run into many of the faces we had seen on our travels, really made me realize how deep into the circus world we had manage to dive in just two months. It was also great to experience the festival & Paris with my inspiration for this project, my Auntie Karen Gersch.
This is my dream project, my biggest project, and some how I really think we've captured this world. I really think it will open many eyes.
I will leave you with some of Ian and my notes from our travels. These rules stuck with us the whole trip and were often referenced along the way.
#0. Always bring the camera. Always.
#1. Never turn when you want to (when driving).
Instinct is the best way to live your life, EXCEPT when you're lost on the road in a foreign country. Just wait, because impulse does not translate.
#2. It always works out.
In a bind? No matter where you are, what language you speak, or how bad it seems, there will be a solution to land in your lap.
#3. Ausfahrt. A driving tip.
Ausfahrting is serious business. Ausfahrt only when you really need to. Don’t Ausfahrt too early, it can be really embarrassing, so if you accidentally Ausfahrt, it is polite to apologize and turn around. But if you intend to Ausfahrt, do, 'cause if you miss your chance there may not be another for miles.
No matter where you are in a German town, there are endless "Zentrum" signs. They're EVERYWHERE. Should you follow them? That is up to you. Do you seek the Zentrum? If so, keep faith, NEVER stray, and follow them at every turn. If you do NOT seek the Zentrum, avoid at all cost!!
#5. Always look around the corner.
Do you really want to eat at Pepe’s Mexican food? Do you really think that ugly parking structure is nothing?
Well you better go find out, ‘cause chances are everything you ever wanted is just around that corner. Looking for socks, Gluhwein, a Weihnachtsmarkt, new shoes, a grocery store or the best mac and cheese ever? It’s all there.
#6. Left Left Left Left Left Left
A rule for driving in England.
#7. Third time's the charm.
In Paris 3 tries should be expected to get on the right road.
#8. Angela is always right.
Muahaha. Fine, while
this rule is obviously true, and was used as a quick reference # in arguments, in reality without Ian to prove wrong and challenge my stupid ideas & moods, this film and these travels would be nothing. :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the rules list. They appeared in the nick of time as we are leaving for Italy today. Is it ok to substitute "wife" for "Angela" in Rule #8?
Rule #8 can be applied to anyone who is obviously always right.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to agree with #5...isn't that how we found the wild Arizona mine donky's???? Shear luck! and taking the chance and driving down that weird and windy road...=)
ReplyDeleteLove it!!! Rule number 2 is profound, rule number 8 goes without saying. Welcome home.
ReplyDelete#3--intended or just a great coincidence that ausfahrt looks a lot like ass fart?! the double layers of funniness is unending!