This is Troupe Yakubov as they rehearsed at Circus Probst in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. We will follow them to the competition at the 34th Monte Carlo Circus Festival.
Lesson from the beginning of the trip:
1. Never turn when you want to (when driving)
2. It always works out
(Luck has been on our side. There have been a few bumps, as to be expected, such as the light bulbs for the lights we brought only being 120v and not the needed 240v. Now, where in Germany can we find speciality film equipment lights? The "helpful" front desk sent us to a Walgreens equivelant, not so much. So, we made some frantic calls and made a friend over the phone at a Lowel dealer in a town a few hours away. He checked for us, called me back (thank god my cell phone works) and will be shipping the lights we need to a friend of his in the next town we will be in. Lights in two days! Faster than shipping in the US. He laughed, "You were very lucky I answered the phone today, we are never open on Saturday." I said, "Well I'm glad I was lucky!". He simply responded, "Well it always works out, doesn't it."
Yes, yes it does.

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